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Lowland Knowledge
Improve your knowledge on the role shooting plays in conservation with our unique online resource, divided into neat sections.

Get Accredited
Become a GWCT Accredited Game Shot or Shoot Operator by taking our FREE online assessment. All the answers can be found on this website.

Buy The Book
The Knowledge is every Gun’s guide to conservation and compiles all the information from this website in one 200-page book.
What is The Knowledge?
The information on this site, and in our book The Knowledge, aims to fill the conservation gap in the existing range of shooting resources. We have summarised over 120 scientific papers, plus an additional 50 sources, in an easy-to-read format to present decades of evidence/research and experience in an accessible format.
Those wishing to test their knowledge can take our online assessment and become a GWCT Accredited Game Shot or take our Shoot Operator’s Test.
Who is it for?
Everyone, but particularly those with a desire to learn more about the countryside, responsible shooting and game management. Whether you’re starting out and have no idea of the background to shooting or you’re an experienced Shot, there’s something for everyone to learn.
Why have you written it?
The link between game management and conservation is often not appreciated, either by those taking part in the sport or the wider public. GWCT research shows how when game management is done well, many other species including songbirds and butterflies can benefit, but how many of the 500,000 shotgun certificate holders know what good game management looks like?
We believe that this information can help to improve standards in released bird shooting and encourage wild game management in line with the Code of Good Shooting Practice.
Why now?
Game management is regularly opposed by those who dislike shooting, despite the conservation benefits it can bring. In the modern age, where online communication can increase a polarisation of opinions and campaigning, it is even more important that debates are well-informed and based on robust evidence.
What will I learn?
The Knowledge is designed to give Guns the right questions to ask their own shoots or the ones they visit or buy days from to discover the level of quality and encourage the change we all want to see. It also provides an essential introduction to wild grey partridge conservation as a key part of preserving our shooting and countryside heritage and an indicator of the health of the farmland ecology.
Those new to shooting will benefit from a guide to some of the most controversial issues of the day affecting shooting, e.g. lead shot and use of medication in game rearing, as well as an introduction to the law relevant to a Gun on a shoot day. Contrary to the idea that shooting is unregulated, it is governed by a vast amount of legislation covering every aspect of shoot management.
What makes the GWCT experts?
We have been undertaking research into game conservation, and working with those who do it, for over 85 years. Our advice is widely respected; from those working on the ground day-to-day, to policymakers influencing the future of conservation, because it is based in science and has gained the approval of other experts in the field. We also work closely with land managers the length and breadth of the country, understanding the real-life practicalities of game management and helping them to deliver the improved biodiversity that they are passionate about.